
Showing posts from July, 2019
How to develop an operating system using C++? how operating systems are developed? using C(or actually) C++, assembly and any programming languages like ada, fortran, pascal you can develop your own operating system but you have to use assembly in some places an intruduction to assembly language assembly is a low-level programming language that you can use it to control everything like adding something to CPU registers, control the memory and much more how can i start to develop an operating system? firstly, you have to know everything of your programming language like pointers, functions (here i want to use C++) secondly, you must have some knowledge of the assembly language what tools i need to develop an operating system? to develop an operating system you must have these: 1. an assembler assembler takes your assembly code and give's you the low-level outputs like an object containing your controls on CPU registers the assembler here i want to use is nasm(netwide ass...